Friday, July 27, 2007

A Glorious Day

Today, after 13 months and 19 days of having our dossier logged into the CCAA, we receive word that we are OUT of review. After 13 months and 19 days of agonizing over the fact that our paperwork was just sitting there gathering dust, we receive word that finally someone has looked at our documents, perused our pictures, examined our records, read our heartfelt letter asking to adopt a daughter, and found us acceptable. After 13 months and 19 days, we have crossed the last hurdle. And now the waiting really begins. You see, though we are out of review, there are still many, many people ahead of us who need to be matched. In fact, the CCAA has only completed matches for families who were logged in before November 14, 2005. But let me be Scarlet O'Hara for a minute. I won't think about that today. The only thing I want to think about today is the fact that we are OUT of review. One step closer.